jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2014

Rex leech

A new species of saguijuela was discovered in a remote area of ​​Amazonian Peru and has been called the king of jungle, the Tyrannobdella re. x You can measure up to seven inches and has long teeth , like dinosaur that gives the name, Tyrannosaurio Rex. 

 " The bites of this new creature are relatively small ," said study co-author Mark Siddall , an expert on invertebrate zoology at the American Museum of Natural History in New York. 

 For this and other reasons , this rare species of leech is selected as one of the " rarest of 2010 Species " .

A New purple octopus ?

This unidentified purple octopus is one of the 11 new species found during an expedition deep lying on the Atlantic coast of Canada in July 2010.

The expedition 20 day aimed to discover the relationship between cold-water corals and other creatures of the sea bottom in a " alien" environment, yet to be studied.

Yoda bat

This fruit bat with tube-shaped nose, which became an online sensation, is just one of the 200 species found in two scientific expeditions to Papua New Guinea in 2009. Though seen on previous expeditions, the bat must be documented as a new species, and humbling.

Like other fruit bats, but scatters the seeds of fruit intake in your diet, this flying mammal is crucial for the ecosystem of the rainforest.

Mono " Sternutator " snub nose

A new species of monkey found in Myanmar has a snub nose so does the rain make you sneeze, but apparently that's the least of his problems as conservationists reviewed in October 2010. 

The only scientifically analyzed specimen was killed by local hunters, when scientists found, to be eaten later.

Caracol Ninja

Boasting three times longer tail than his head, this new species of snail long tail was found in montañanas of Malaysia, in the area of Borneo. 

This new species throws his partner " love darts " made ​​of calcium carbonate and hormones , hence its name, the ninja snail. Scientists believe that this Cupid -like behavior can lead to increased reproductive rate.

Wooden dining Catfish

A new species of catfish armed wooden dining (see photo ) found in the Amazon is fed from a caideo tree in Santa Ana river of Peru in 2006 . 

Catfish species other used special teeth to scrape the organic material from the surface of the sunken timber. But the new species , still unnamed , is among the dozen known species of catfish , now eat wood

The Simpson Sapo

Looking for lost species of amphibians in the west of Colombia, in September 2010, scientists met with three new species, including the beaked toad . 

 "His long pointed nose reminiscent of the villain Mr. Burns, of the television series The Simpsons, the expedition leader said.